Oil paintings in the Hall of Scottish Rite Regalia at the House of the Temple in Washington, DC (Painting by Robert H. White, 32°)


Two of the most recognized aspects of the Scottish Rite regalia are the hats and rings.

Just as the badge of a Master Mason in Blue Lodge is the apron, the cap is said to be the public badge and part of the uniform of a Scottish Rite Mason.  The Scottish Rite cap is a vestige of the dress regalia more commonly associated with orders of European knighthood and a symbol that the Scottish Rite Mason is a soldier in the "Empire of Intellect, Reason, Philosophy, and Wise Morality."

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32º Master of the Royal Secret, Cap
The cap of a Master of the Royal Secret is of circular black silk.  It is surrounded with a black band which is trimmed in gold.  It has a gold cord, which extends across its top, and is affixed at both sides by a gold button, which is embossed with a double-headed eagle.  The front of the cap is adorned by a double-headed eagle in gold bouillon, above whose heads is a red triangle, embellished by golden rays, and bearing the numeral 32.

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32º Knight Commander of the Court of Honor, Cap
The cap of a Knight Commander of the Court of Honor is of circular red silk.  It is surrounded with a red band which is trimmed in gold.  It has a gold cord, which extends across its top, and is affixed at both sides by a gold button, which is embossed with a double-headed eagle.  The front of the cap is adorned by an embroidered version of the jewel, trimmed in gold bullion wire.

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33º  Inspector General Honorary, Cap
The cap of an Inspector General Honorary is of circular white silk.  It is surrounded with a white band which is trimmed in gold.  It has a gold cord, which extends across its top, and is affixed at both sides by a gold button, which is embossed with a double-headed eagle.  The front of the cap is adorned by a Patriarchal Cross, which is trimmed with gold bullion wire.


33º Grand Cross of the Court of Honor, Cap
The cap of a Grand Cross of the Court of Honor is of circular white silk.  It is surrounded with a blue band which is trimmed in gold.  It has a gold cord, which extends across its top, and is affixed at both sides by a gold button, which is embossed with a double-headed eagle.  The front of the cap is adorned by an embroidered copy of the jewel, which is trimmed with gold bullion wire.

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33º Deputy of the Supreme Council, Cap
The cap of a Deputy of the Supreme Council is of circular white silk.  It is surrounded with a scarlet band which is trimmed in gold.  It has a gold cord, which extends across its top, and is affixed at both sides by a gold button, which is embossed with a double-headed eagle.  the front of the cap is adorned by a Patriarchal Cross, which is trimmed with gold bullion wire. 

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33º Sovereign Grand Inspector General, Cap
The cap of a Sovereign Grand Inspector General is of circular violet silk.  It is surrounded with a violet band slightly darker than the cap itself, and this is trimmed in gold.  The band is adorned with laurel vine, leaf, and berry.  The cap has a gold cord, which extends across its top, and is affixed at both sides by a gold button, which is embossed with a double-headed eagle.  The front of the cap is adorned by a purple Patriarchal Cross with crosslets, which is trimmed with gold bullion wire.

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33º Sovereign Grand Commander, Cap
The cap of the Sovereign Grand Commander is of circular purple silk.  It is surrounded with a purple band slightly darker than the cap itself, and this is trimmed in gold.  The band is adorned with laurel vine, leaf, and berry.  The cap has a gold cord, which extends across its top, and affixed at both sides by a gold button, which is embossed with a double-headed eagle.  The front of the cap is adorned with a slanting three-armed a purple Cross of Salem with crosslets, which is trimmed with gold bullion wire.

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Fifty Year Member, Cap
"Masonry is duty, and its honors the reward of work, which is the performance of duty."  These words, from the ritual of the 4º Secret Master, are perhaps understood no better than by those who have labored for many years in the quarries of Masonry.  for those who have been Scottish rite Masons for no less than fifty years, the Supreme Council's Fifty Year cap is truly a crown of honor.

The cap is of circular blue silk and is surrounded with a similar blue band trimmed in gold.  It has a gold cord extending across its top and is affixed at both sides by a gold button embossed with a double-headed eagle.  The front is adorned above the band by the numeral 50 surrounded by an embroidered laurel wreath.


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14° RING:  Central to the ritual of the 14°, Perfect Elu, is the presentation of a ring, worn by Scottish Rite Masons from the 14° through the 32°. It is a plain gold band with an equilateral triangular plate enclosing the Hebrew letter yud, theinitial letter of Yahweh, the tetragrammaton, the ineffable name of God.  Engraved on the inside is the Latin motto "Virtus junxit mors non separabit" (Whom Virtue Unites, Death Shall Not Separate).  The circular shape of the ring symbolizes unending commitment and loyalty, the triangular plate and the letter signify that the commitment is to the Deity.  The ring may also be inscribed with the owner's name and date he received the degree. 

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33° RING: The ring is a triple band of gold, either plain or with a triangular plate of gold enclosing the numerals 33.  Engraved on the inside is the Latin motto"Deus meumque jus" (God and my right), as well as the owner's name and the date he received the Thirty-third Degree.

Information on this page courtesy of the Valley of New Bern
URL: http://www.scottishritenewbern.org/